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Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Star Trek Into Blindness!

I had the pleasure of watching Star Trek Into Darkness the other day. An enjoyable film with great set-pieces and good performances, especially from Simon Pegg. 

However, it got me thinking about the title of the film - Star Trek Into Darkness. Every sequel ever since Empire Strikes Back always goes for darkness in terms of mood, themes and maybe even killing off a main character. But halfway through STID, I had to put my sunglasses on because JJ Abrams insists on using the LENS FLARE effect in EVERY SINGLE SCENE!

He explained the use of LENS FLARE in the first Star Trek film to give it an epic feel but using it when Kirk is sitting in a bar?! 

What's so epic about drinking an intergalactic pint?

I personally can't wait for Star Wars. I imagine the LENS FLARE effect will go into epic, hyper-drive when Luke pulls out his lightsaber for the first time...

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