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Monday, June 7, 2010

Use The Force Luke...Its awesome!

I was watching Star Wars the other day and when Alec Guinness tells Luke to use The Force, I thought wouldn't be it great if he told him what he really thought and it got me thinking - imagine if you could change dialogue from films just for a laugh. Below are lines of dialogue which didn't quite make the final cut...

Goodfellas - "As far back as I can remember...I always wanted to be a brickie."

Mean Streets - "Wow! The jukebox in here plays all the classic Rolling Stone tunes!"

Casino - "Wow! The jukebox in here plays all the classic tunes from the past 30 years!"

Death Proof - "Wow! The jukebox in here plays all the classic Scorsese tunes!"

Star Wars : A New Hope - "I've been waiting for you Obi-Wan...when you left, we never did finish off that game of Checkers."

Star Wars : The Empire Strikes Back - "You killed my father!...No wait...I can guess what you're gonna say next!"

Star Wars : The Return of the Jedi - "If you ever get caught short in the woods, these Ewoks make perfect toilet paper!"

The Terminator - "I'll be back...just got to put some money in the meter."

Terminator 2 - "I'll be back...ate a dodgy burrito at that mexican hide-out"

Running Man - "I'll be back...Take Me Out is after this and I forgot to Sky Plus it"

Forrest Gump - "Life isn't really like a box of chocolates. Look! The label tells you what you gonna get!"

The Usual Suspects - "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was a bunny out of hat...Classic!"

Reservoir Dogs - "Are you gonna bark all day little doggy...or are you gonna keep licking your own balls?"

Pulp Fiction - "When I got back from Amsterdam, I got this suit off my cousin Vic! Snazzy ain't it?! Bit of blood on it though..."

Jackie Brown - "Don't you just love a crime story thats linear and doesn't keep criss-crossing in time?!"

Titanic - "What does a fella have to do to get some ice with his brandy?"

Avatar - "Very funny guys! Who left that smurf-turd in my wheelchair?"

That's it for now...

Friday, May 7, 2010

So I was walking down the street...

...and then I discovered what road I was on...

Monday, March 22, 2010

Captain's Blog stardate 22032010

Having seen over the weekend that Google have created a new application where you can shoot and place your own adverts on national TV (I think the slot between 2am and 3am on ITV1 during NightWatch is only £100 - Result!) I thought I should really get to grips with its earliest innovations - the Blog. Like the cross between Facebook's status update and Tweeting but with added pics and longer than 140 "characters", stay tuned as I begin to dismiss all things private and start randomly blurting things I want the worldwide web to know about! Whether its my hellish trip to work on the Central Line or my ongoing quest to write the perfect screenplay, its all going off on this blog!