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Monday, June 7, 2010

Use The Force Luke...Its awesome!

I was watching Star Wars the other day and when Alec Guinness tells Luke to use The Force, I thought wouldn't be it great if he told him what he really thought and it got me thinking - imagine if you could change dialogue from films just for a laugh. Below are lines of dialogue which didn't quite make the final cut...

Goodfellas - "As far back as I can remember...I always wanted to be a brickie."

Mean Streets - "Wow! The jukebox in here plays all the classic Rolling Stone tunes!"

Casino - "Wow! The jukebox in here plays all the classic tunes from the past 30 years!"

Death Proof - "Wow! The jukebox in here plays all the classic Scorsese tunes!"

Star Wars : A New Hope - "I've been waiting for you Obi-Wan...when you left, we never did finish off that game of Checkers."

Star Wars : The Empire Strikes Back - "You killed my father!...No wait...I can guess what you're gonna say next!"

Star Wars : The Return of the Jedi - "If you ever get caught short in the woods, these Ewoks make perfect toilet paper!"

The Terminator - "I'll be back...just got to put some money in the meter."

Terminator 2 - "I'll be back...ate a dodgy burrito at that mexican hide-out"

Running Man - "I'll be back...Take Me Out is after this and I forgot to Sky Plus it"

Forrest Gump - "Life isn't really like a box of chocolates. Look! The label tells you what you gonna get!"

The Usual Suspects - "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was a bunny out of hat...Classic!"

Reservoir Dogs - "Are you gonna bark all day little doggy...or are you gonna keep licking your own balls?"

Pulp Fiction - "When I got back from Amsterdam, I got this suit off my cousin Vic! Snazzy ain't it?! Bit of blood on it though..."

Jackie Brown - "Don't you just love a crime story thats linear and doesn't keep criss-crossing in time?!"

Titanic - "What does a fella have to do to get some ice with his brandy?"

Avatar - "Very funny guys! Who left that smurf-turd in my wheelchair?"

That's it for now...

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